I just moved into a house, and the carpet smells like pets. Can Sunshine Home Maintenance help me?
Yes! The first step we take is to vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove hair and dander. Then we steam clean the carpet. Our truck-mounted professional steam cleaning unit is far more powerful than any consumer-grade system—not only does it leave the carpet looking cleaner, but the steam attacks the source of the bad odors—the germs themselves. Finally, we apply a topical deodorizing spray which leaves a floral smell that dissipates after about a week, completely removing any remaining pet odors!
Extreme cases call for extreme measures. For instance, if a pet repeatedly returned to the same area to urinate or defecate and the area was not promptly treated, the stain may have penetrated down through the padding. In this case, the only solution may be to replace the carpet.
If you are the owner of an indoor pet, we recommend getting your home cleaned at least twice a year to prevent pet odors from becoming a nuisance.